Mood Ring
Mood ring that selects and restyles lines of verse based on cursor position looping over random nonlinear versions of a decade-old personal poem.
Workshop of Potential Webtexts
Babylon Redux transforms Jorge Luis Borges’ Library of Babel into a collection of interactive webtexts, combinatorial tools, and algorithmic compositions. Each project combines literary and computational constraints to remix and reconfigure Borges' passages into new digital forms, bridging creative expression with algorithmic play.
Inspired by the playful rigor of OULIPO and Johanna Drucker’s work on stochastic poetics, Babylon Redux showcases how computational methods and literary frameworks intersect to make creative writing more interactive, engaging, and adaptable to digital environments.
Mood ring that selects and restyles lines of verse based on cursor position looping over random nonlinear versions of a decade-old personal poem.
Translate and transform passages from Borges' "Library of Babel" classified as either philosophical, descriptive, and narrative.
Blinking Morse code signals that encode and decode messages from *The Library of Babel* arranged in a recursive Fibonacci spiral.
26-word dictionary of Borgesian terms interspersed with AI-generated neologisms that shift alphabetically with the rate and range of a beating human heart.
Trigram encryption of Library of Babel using classical ciphers displayed as interactive blocks with a coded message from the future.
Learn more about the prompting methods and experimental literary movement that made this project possible.
Check out related webtext experiments like Scrolling for Godot, an absurdist scrollplay dialogue between human queries, chatbot outputs, and system messages inspired by Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. You can read the original play here.